
BRAHMS Online Websites

The list of websites here are those that the developers have agreed to include in this list. BRAHMS online features are reviewed here.

Website Server Contact Description
BRAHMS Software Groups for distributing and/or demonstrating BRAHMS and BRAHMS Online software and associated resources.
Botanical Research And Herbarium Management System BRAHMS Server Denis Filer BRAHMS is a widely used database management system providing extensive and innovative functionality for herbaria botanic gardens seed banks and research botanists. The system developed to assemble edit analyse and publish botanical data is used by small research projects as well as by the largest herbaria botanic gardens and 'industrial scale' botanical surveys and analyses.
Independent Groups
en BRAHMS Online Server n/a en
Taxonomic Groups These groups contain, usually, one database concentrating on a single taxon.
BRAHMS Online Demonstration Project BRAHMS Online Server The BRAHMS Project A project based on the Leucaena project for the purpose of demonstrating some BRAHMS Online features.